Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, I believe a lot of people believe that life is just a drama,
Everyone has their own role in this drame,
its the matter of which role are you acting only...
I realised that my role in this drama is not really a good one currently
maybe this is one of the obstacle that my role should have go through in this drama
ppl being not fair at my surroundings...
frankly speaking, if i have an alternative,
i would have gone for ages!!
and dont need suffer till now
I did a lot of decisions in my role
and no doubt, i regret for some matters...
i wonder why some of the roles in this drama is just that lucky
being protected no matter what they've done
being helped by others and gained credits for that(without thanking the person who helped her/him)
and making ppl think that the "person" is so capable to do everything
but the fact is he/she knows NTG!!!
What kind of returns that the "person" will get?
Increment of coz..
for the sake of goodwill, ppl will give increment for this kind of "people"
and i usually label them as rubbish!!!
and what kind of returns will the person who helped the"rubbish"??
really NTG
Barely anythg!!!
Life is so unfair
i hate this kind of role coz in the end what kind of feeling will hunt me?
and all sorts of negative feelings...
how would i perform in this way?
how can my role stands up among others
where some people already covered the surroundings with their power, thinking, perceptions
how would a role like me SHINES??!!!
I really wonder how....
p/s: I need motivation also...

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