here we go...
2nd July 2009
a big day for 20 over beauties
and 1 will be crown as Miss syuen 2009
(its actually a special preview for Miss Malaysia Model 2009)
i worked for only half day and i went out to fetch my si tao poh (my sis) out
wat we did after we're out from office?
at frs, we fetched her daughter(sasa) see doc
we went to jusco (she was looking for a higher heels coz those models are darn tall)
and and and
of coz we went to the SALOON for god sake!
(and i swear i'll never let them touch my hair again!!!)
we reached hotel around 7 and we were rushing like hell coz we had yet to take our bath, make up n etc,...
rush rush n rush
dats all i can say
but the outcome was not bad after all
we looked brilliant dat nite
(ehem...nobody suppose to comment on this k!)
this is the proof!!!
we camwhore througout the nite
once i reached LeView,
i took a few pics with the EX winners n runner ups
(yea i know i looked damn SHORT in here)
but who cares, u guys never had a chance to take pics with them blek!!!
and of course my dear take this opportunity to take a pic with them oso!!
we had some nice pics when we were at the ballroom(erm i supposed its a ballroom)
i lurve this pic so so much!! eventhou its a bit blur
we had more pics
hehe wat a lovely pics(uweekkk!!)
ops i forgot about the beauties
(busy uploading my own pics)
here it comes
their frs attire casual wear
and guess wat, sorry guys
i did not take any of their swim wear attire coz i was busy eating
den the dinner wear
the winners!!
guess wat, MRS BEN YAN was the one who crown the winner hahaha
lets see her pic
aha..she looks darn funny here hahaha
after looking for so many HIGH HIGH HEELS
(and she really bought 1 pair for ur info)
she's still shorter den the models
1 thg i forgot to mention
i was sitting at the main table (ahem proud*) so there'll be our tag on the table
(guiding us whr were should sit=macam budak sekolah)
and guess wat. they serve individual dish for the main dish!!
not enough for us la aiyo...
Mr & MRS BEN YAN was also sitting on the main table
together with some beauties and a beast beside(a women)
u look at it urself who's the beast
well, i guess u ppl can see the difference rite??
after the pageant ends we head straight back to our room (of coz we camwhore cukup cukup frs)
me with my eldest sis (with her snobbish look!)
MRS BEN YAN trying to take a nice pic for her hubby
not to mention my eldest sis trying to get a nice pic by hiding her bat arms (hahahhaha)
and last but not least
me n my dear!
after finished packing all our stuff in the room,
we checked out n head back to our OWN house!
after a long long day...
this shows how naughty we are
eventhou we're tired but yet
we're able to pose for another pic
dats for now dudes..
wat a long blog i have this time...
a big day for 20 over beauties
and 1 will be crown as Miss syuen 2009
(its actually a special preview for Miss Malaysia Model 2009)
i worked for only half day and i went out to fetch my si tao poh (my sis) out
wat we did after we're out from office?
at frs, we fetched her daughter(sasa) see doc
and and and
(and i swear i'll never let them touch my hair again!!!)
we reached hotel around 7 and we were rushing like hell coz we had yet to take our bath, make up n etc,...
rush rush n rush
dats all i can say
but the outcome was not bad after all
we looked brilliant dat nite
(ehem...nobody suppose to comment on this k!)
we camwhore througout the nite
once i reached LeView,
i took a few pics with the EX winners n runner ups
but who cares, u guys never had a chance to take pics with them blek!!!
we had some nice pics when we were at the ballroom(erm i supposed its a ballroom)
we had more pics
ops i forgot about the beauties
(busy uploading my own pics)
here it comes
and guess wat, sorry guys
i did not take any of their swim wear attire coz i was busy eating
den the dinner wear
the winners!!
lets see her pic
after looking for so many HIGH HIGH HEELS
(and she really bought 1 pair for ur info)
she's still shorter den the models
i was sitting at the main table (ahem proud*) so there'll be our tag on the table
(guiding us whr were should sit=macam budak sekolah)
and guess wat. they serve individual dish for the main dish!!
not enough for us la aiyo...
together with some beauties and a beast beside(a women)
u look at it urself who's the beast
after the pageant ends we head straight back to our room (of coz we camwhore cukup cukup frs)
and last but not least
after finished packing all our stuff in the room,
we checked out n head back to our OWN house!
after a long long day...
eventhou we're tired but yet
we're able to pose for another pic
dats for now dudes..
wat a long blog i have this time...
Haiya next time take more photos when they are parading in the swimsuits!!!After taking those pictures than only you eat!!!LOL!
haha my dear sorry la...
but i just went for their finale for ms malaysia model of the world last sun took lots of swimsuit pics...wait till i upload them
keris tin got blog already wo.if chun wei din tell me i also dunno.haha,got time visit my blog also k?cheers..
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